Everyone should eat at home! Honestly.
You smart chic fashionistas know I don't have to do the math for you on this one. But I will.
The Bachelorette Lifestyle
Here's a very rough and underestimated estimate of what I was spending when I lived out by myself.
Groceries $150
Eating out - Lunch $8 x 20 times/month = $160
Eating out - Dinner $10 x 15 times/month = $150
Total: $460
Home cookin'
Here's an overestimate of what I spend living at home.
Groceries $0
Eating out - Lunch $8 x 8 times/month = $64
Eating out - Dinner $10 x 3 times/month = $30
Total: $94
A savings of over $300 per month x 10 months of school = $3000.
I completely understand that this isn't feasible for everyone for a million different reasons. But there are also a million of you out there who can very rationally do this but don't.
While you're in school, why not consider staying at home? Use that extra money for a nice year-end boat cruise with champagne - or better yet, to pay off your student loans.