Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Check-in: Net worth $143,000, NO DEBT

Here we go again! Not much to say except we have had a long way going, with a Real Job Now that can help me save a lot more money.

Current net worth: $143,000 
So there's been a lot happening since last time... income from work has been fantastic, I got a great lump sum relocation fee that is allowing me to save a lot (although again this is only a one time thing). We had a wedding which cost quite a bit, and I paid for two trips back home to visit family. But overall I'm managing to put away something around $6000 a month which is great for now. I still need to find ways to increase my income as ideally I'm putting away at least $9000-$10000 a month.

Eh, but there is something to be said for being patient! I don't think I would quit my job right now to go back and do something else, because ... I'm now pregnant and we get a GREAT maternity benefit package of full pay for 6 months. If I will quit I will consider it after the mat leave. :P 

Upcoming expenses: 
Monthly living expenses $3350 x 4 months = $10,050 
Looking back I can't believe my living expenses were $1500/month living in Toronto. Switzerland really is expensive in comparison. And BF thinks I'm being frugal!! hahaha.

Pre-baby road trip: $2500
Trip to Latvia: $500
We are trying to do a little travelling pre-baby. 

Total: $13,050

Upcoming income (till July): 
Main job: $46000 
Tax refund: $3000 Oh the beauty of tax returns. 
Side work: $1300 There will be a little bit of extra income. If I can go back to Canada I can push this up a lot more (where work would be around $100/hr). Here though, while I am not on leave, this is the best I can do.

Total: $50,300 

Expected net worth July 2017: $180,250 

This is fantastic.
Seriously one of the major gains this year has been the index fund markets, driven largely by US growth. I must say I disagree with a lot of Trump's policies, and there are a lot of long-term issues with what he's saying, but at least in the short term I am happy with how things are going. I've gained about $5000 in stock in a year and a half (around a 5% return). 

Checking in again, hopefully sooner rather than later!