This is enough action, I'm going to stop looking at personal finance things and excel spreadsheets until 2022 and focus on my life. Everything is set now and any more planning will just be taking time away from actual productive activity or sleep.
Friday, August 13, 2021
Check-in: net worth $834k ($609k), gain of $60k
An update to my accounting method, as half my assets are in one country and the other half in the other. It's too much work to report on this every month so I'm going to go back to quarterly, I think, since I ended up making a new sweet Excel sheet to track my net worth.
This time I managed to look at my investment accounts and sweet Jesus everything is going well right now. It might look like I have sudden jumps this month but it's mostly because I've just done some accounting and am actually accounting for investment returns for the last 8 months. What a time to be alive.
I plowed $145k into my retirement accounts this last month, 5k still sits in cash (don't know why - if I leave it I'm leaving gains on the table). I've informally decided that $20k of this belongs to E, given we don't have tax sheltered accounts where I could save for kids's education. I don't have a house yet but there is no way we can buy this in the next year anyways given our location, so I would rather not have cash sitting around and will use future earnings for a downpayment instead.
I have also:
1) Divested from my bonds and buy stocks instead. 100% stock portfolio for growth. I have cash reserves to last me 1 year, and "survivability" income technically forever or until I become paraplegic so the chances are pretty good that I don't need to cash out until I really decide to retire in 30+ years.
2) Organized more clinical work on my plate for next month. Keep the license alive and get more income.
3) Moved money back to Canada to take care of my expenses, using Transferwise.
Given other planned expenses, I will not be able to take half of the year's working days off and will instead have to work 20 more days if I want to meet my savings goals (not total portfolio growth goals) of $100k CHF this year. First world problems. I hope my supervisor is ok with this. I'll bring it up sometime later in the summer.
I will be able to reach $1m CAD, personally, at age 36, so I am on track at least to meet my first financial goal. The next goal, $1m CHF personally, sounds reachable by age 40.
But again, this is still my bare minimum and I feel in the current climate that I can do better. Yay for perfectionist tendencies. So let's see how much I can hustle this year to improve this.