I have plenty of friends going through med school while living with the 'rents. They love it! Free food, reduced chores, a loving family. Just what every med student needs while stressing out about seizure etiology.
Plus, they save ooooodles of monay.
Maybe this is just a Vancouver thing. My Toronto/Montreal friends have long since flown the coop and would never think about moving back home. Here in Vancouver, however, it seems to be quite the trend.
I can think of three reasons right away:
1. Rent prices. Vancouver prices are insane. And no self-respecting, zero-income medical student in their right mind (okay, except for THE MAJORITY OF MY FRIENDS!) would spend $1,500/month for a beachfront downtown apartment just to escape the insanity of family life. Right?
2. Asian parenting. I'm allowed to say this because I'd say my family is pretty similar (applicable to anyone with Failure to Launch-nurturing parents), who love it so much when you're at home and never want you to leave. Ready-packed lunches every day and hot piping dinner waiting for you when you get home? Yes please.
3. The obvious: this saves you a hell of a lot of money.
Rent in Vancouver is about $750/month for a shared place with a roommate, and $1000+ for a one-bedroom. Generally downtown this goes up to $1500.
Let's say, being the frugal Student Sophsticate, you decide to share a place with a roommate.
$750/month x 12 months = $9000
I think this one is really up to you.
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